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an olfactory diary


1. Hairspray (Saturday) - Prom Preparations

I can usually tolerate the smell of hairspray, the strong kinda stingy smell it has. But for some reason, maybe because I rarely use it, this time the smell entered my nose with a sense of force and stayed there for a while.

2. Soap (Everyday) - Shower

Showering is one of my favorite parts of my day just because it's my time to unwind. I can listen to my music, maybe sing, and I especially love the smell of my body soap. It's vanilla and using it makes me feel really cozy and comfortable.

3. Rain (Sunday) - School Play

I came on Sunday to watch my friends in the theater production here at school "Tartuffe". Once I arrived on campus however it started pouring. Like thunder kind of pouring. However I didn't let that stop me from enjoying myself because the play was amazing and my friends did amazing.

4. Strawberries (Sunday) - Home

When I came home from prom on Sunday morning (I had slept at a hotel), I was obviously really tired and didn't wan to go out. When I got home my had a late brunch waiting for me, with my favorite; strawberries.

5. Coffee (Everyday) - Home

I think this ones pretty self explanatory. The smell of coffee can wake me up before I even drink it, there's something about the smell of it that just instantly gives me a little kick of energy.

6. Cigarettes (Saturday) - Hair Salon

While I was getting my hair done for prom, the woman styling my hair reeked of cigarettes. I will never enjoy the smell of cigarettes but when I smell them I am thrown back to being at my dad's family's Christmas dinners, a family full of smokers.

7. Fresh Blankets (Friday) - My Bed

The navy blue soft blanket I keep on my bed smells like fresh linen and downy after my mom washes it, and that smell will always make me feel clean and comforted.

8. Jasmine (Sunday) - Tea

I went out too Ala Moana on Sunday for a bit to grab some things and I stopped to get tea. As I walked in the first smell I recognized was Jasmine. The smell reminded me of my Granny Sandy. We've always bonded over our love of tea and Jasmine has always been one of her favorites.

9. Geranium (Friday) - Cleaning

My favorite smell in the whole world is Geranium. All the cleaning products I use smell like Geranium, and it makes me actually enjoy cleaning to an extent. I use all of the Mrs. Meyers Geranium cleaning line products all the way from the room spray, multi surface cleaner, even the candles.

10. ??? (Sunday) - A friend

I have a friend, a friend I'm close with. I went to watch this friend preform on Sunday. And after, whilst greeting everyone, I got to say good job to this person and get a hug from them. Something about their smell, I don't know what it is, but it comforts me. I put questions marks because I can't describe the smell in a word, just that this smell brings me back to this person. It brings me a sense of happiness, yet also worry. Comfort, yet nervousness. I hate the flood of emotions this smell gives me, and yet, at the same time it's irresistible to me.



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