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untranslatable words


Updated: Mar 14, 2019

The word I chose is a French word : Déspaysement

It translates to : (noun) The sensation of being in another country.

I chose this word because travel has always been a huge part of my life. I love exploring and adventuring to different and new places around the world. Just recently I went to London and Paris for two weeks. It was my favorite trip so far. Going somewhere so far away and so different from Hawaii was so much fun because I get to learn and experience a whole new lifestyle, climate, scenery than what I'm used too. Whenever I travel, I can't really explain to anyone the rush I feel and how much I really enjoy it. That's why I love this word so much; it's a word that explains the feeling of true gratitude for being able to travel and the excitement you feel when you do travel.

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